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  Help Page - perf

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System Feature perf Purpose Performance considerations Description This page explains various performance considerations when writing scripts. biterScripting is a data processor. It is designed to process large amounts of data. A simple 10 line script, depending on its functionality, can process giga bytes of data in just one run. When you are interactively typing and executing commands one by one, performance is not an issue. However, when you are executing scripts in loops for a large number of times, performance does become an important consideration. Command Execution In interactive mode, all commands are always executed in the background. This is done because biterScripting often processes a very large amount of data and it wants to allow you to be able to use your computer for other things while biterScripting is executing commands. In non-interactive mode (batch) mode, all commands are executed in the foreground. Thus, batch mode is faster. The execution speed will depend on the priority you (or your operating system) assign to the biterScripting executable when you invoke it. Stream Redirection The ultimate destination for any stream for any command can be any of the following. screen This is the default. remote file Specified with >, >> or < local file Specified with >, >> or < variable (type str) Specified with >, >> or < In addition, inline commands can also be used in redirection, but that ultimately results in one of the above ultimate destinations. SCREEN IS THE SLOWEST. Performance degrades significantly when a large amount of data is written to screen. Further, depending on your operating system, performance worsens after a large amount of data has accumulated on screen, irrespective of the size of the data being written to screen by the current command. (This is not biterScripting's behavior, this is the operating system's behavior. ) As a result, WRITE ONLY THAT DATA TO SCREEN THAT YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TO VIEW. Write any interim data to other destinations. Remote files are better than screen, but slower than other destinations. Use remote files only for data that you need from one computer to another. For data you need only on one computer, use local files or variables. Local files are better than remote files, but slower than variables. Use local files only for data that you need from one session to next. VARIABLES ARE THE FASTEST. For data you will only need within the one session of biterScripting, use string (str) variables. In general, use variables instead of any other destinations whenever possible. (There is no limit on the size of data in a string variable.) See Also batch

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